Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Getting Ready To Sell: De-Cluttering The Kitchen
When selling your home, it's important to get the kitchen clean, organized and ready to sell since many consider the kitchen to be the heart of the home.

  • Clear the counters as best as you can. Put away appliances and only take them out to use them.
  • Put rarely used pots, pans, and dishes in storage
  • Clean out any "junk drawers"
  • Create as much empty space as possible in drawers, cabinets, and the pantry
  • If your pantry is crammed full, begin to use as much of it as you can. You don't want to be moving a lot of food when you leave and it will also help to create a clean space that will appeal to buyers
  • Clear out as much as possible from underneath the sink. Move any extra cleaning supplies out and make sure that the sink is free from any leaks
  • Give the kitchen a scrub down including the counters, sink, cabinets, floors, etc.

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