Thursday, December 11, 2014

Illinois Fun Facts


  1. Illinois is home to the world's largest bottle of
  2. Illinois was the first state to ratify the 13th amendment to end slavery.
  3. Illinois had two other state capitals prior to Springfield; Kaskaskia and Vandalia.
  4. Only two buildings survived after the great Chicago fire; the Chicago Water Tower and Pumping Station.
  5. Ronald Reagan's well known childhood home is in Dixon, IL but he was born in Tampico.
  6. The Ice Cream Sundae was started in Evanston, IL.
  7. The Chicago Post Office located at 433 West Van Buren is the only postal facility in the world that you can drive a car through.
  8. The Nabisco factory located in Chicago is the world's largest bakery with a size of 1,800,000 square feet.
  9. Elzie Crisler Segar, the creator of Popeye, was born in Chester, IL.
  10. Illinois generates more nuclear power than any other state.

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